Luxardo Amaretto di Saschira - Liqueur
Product Code: Luxardo Amaretto
Availability: 10
Availability: 10
59 лв
Luxardo Amaretto di Saschira - Liqueur
Classic almond liqueur with amber color and soft, vanilla flavor.
A bottle of Amaretto di Saschira Liqueur from renowned Italian producer Luxardo.
This almond-flavoured liqueur can be enjoyed on its own or used as an alcoholic sauce poured over ice cream.
Product of Italy
0.7/е 28% vol.
* Декларираме, че алкохолните напитки, които се предлагат в нашия електронен магазин са закупени от лицензирани магазини, дължимият акциз е заплатен, а бутилките са с бандерол.
We declare that the alcoholic beverages offered in our online store are purchased from licensed stores, the due excise duty is paid, and the bottles are with excise stamps.