Availability: 10
Geraldine - Pink spray roses bouquet and French Champagne Canard-Duchêne Brut
* Classy Roses - Rose bouquet
Order fresh roses online for same day delivery.
Choose from Options the number of flowers in the bouquet.
* Champagne France - Henri De Verlaine Brut
Henri De Verlaine French Champagne is a true promise of pleasure for the palate.
Color - Brilliant straw yellow hue
Taste - Sophisticated, fresh, harmonious
Aroma - Notes of flint and citrus, with a finish of crusty bread and honey
12% vol. 750 ml
Champagne France
Maison Burtin - Epernay
When the original flowers are not available we reserve the right to replace them with similar at the same price.
Pay less if you buy the products in a packaged deal than if you bought them separately.отделно
* Декларираме, че алкохолните напитки, които се предлагат в нашия електронен магазин са закупени от лицензирани магазини, дължимият акциз е заплатен, а бутилките са с бандерол.
We declare that the alcoholic beverages offered in our online store are purchased from licensed stores, the due excise duty is paid, and the bottles are with excise stamps.