Product Code: Кошница с подаръци
Availability: 10
120 лв

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Glass Candle Holder in Gift Basket
If you want a really unique gift, then this is the one to make! 

The basket includes: 
* MERCI - Chocolates - 250 g;
* Glass Candle Holder
Aroma candlestick goblet
Beautifully arranged glass goblet, and in it - aromatic candle. All this is richly decorated with silk ribbon and glass ornaments.
Scented candle is included in the set
Display*s measures 30 / 14 cm


Variant 1
* Adrien Romet Brut Rosé - Sparkling Wine;

 Variant 2
* Prosecco Valdobbiadene Extra dry;

Variant 3
* ENIRA - Cabernet ;

Variant 4
* Luxardo Amaretto - Classic Almond Liqueur;  

Variant 5
* Courvoisier VS Cognac; 

Вариант 6
* BAILEYS - Irish Cream;

Variant 7
* Millesimato - Corte dei Rovi - Sparkling Italian Wine

Variant 8
* Adrien Romet Brut Rosé - Sparkling Wine;

It's all wrapped up and tied with a beautiful ribbon, a really unique gift for someone special!

* Декларираме, че алкохолните напитки, които се предлагат в нашия електронен магазен са закупени от лицензирани магазини, дължимият акциз е заплатен, а бутилките са с бандерол.

We declare that the alcoholic beverages offered in our online store are purchased from licensed stores, the due excise duty is paid, and the bottles are with excise stamps.