Product Code: Рози и коняк
Availability: 10
164 лв

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An evening of romance - Roses, Cognac

* Pink Roses with ribbon

Courvoisier VS Cognac
A fusion of young and old Cognac lends a fruity and delicate palate with a bouquet filled with ripe fruit and spring flowers. Generations of production have led to the expert control of oak in this cognac, allowing the floral and fruit to shine while the oak introduces very subtle spice on a light and balanced palate.
750 mL bottle
Alcohol / Vol 40.0%
Made in: Cognac, France

Select from the "Options" the number of roses in the bouquet

* Декларираме, че алкохолните напитки, които се предлагат в нашия електронен магазен са закупени от лицензирани магазини, дължимият акциз е заплатен, а бутилките са с бандерол.

We declare that the alcoholic beverages offered in our online store are purchased from licensed stores, the due excise duty is paid, and the bottles are with excise stamps.