Classic bouquet of pink roses - Beautiful in pink
Classic bouquet of pink roses - Beautiful in pink
Pretty in pink - Rose bouquet
Beautiful pink roses in elegant packaging and matching ribbon
Choose from options the size of the bouquet:
1. Bouquet of 9 roses - 20 cm / 37 cm;
2. Bouquet of 19 roses - 25 cm / 45 cm;
3. Bouquet of 29 roses - 28 cm / 48 cm;
4. Bouquet of 39 roses - 34 cm / 50 cm;
1. Bouquet of 9 roses - 20 cm / 37 cm;
2. Bouquet of 19 roses - 25 cm / 45 cm;
3. Bouquet of 29 roses - 28 cm / 48 cm;
4. Bouquet of 39 roses - 34 cm / 50 cm;
If you buy the above product in combination with the products from the ADD A GIFT option, you will pay less than if you buy them separately.
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