Product Code: Орхидея и Courvoisier
Availability: 10
175 лв

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For a Special Day # 2 - Orchid bouquet and Courvoisier VS Cognac

Orchid bouquet - An exuberant bouquet of orchids and matching big ribbon - long lasting and very elegant. 
Display*s measures 70/38 cm 

* Courvoisier VS Cognac
750 mL bottle
Alcohol / Vol 40.0%
Made in: Cognac, France

Place your order 2-3 days before the delivery date!
When the original flowers are not available we reserve the right to replace them with similar at the same price.

* Декларираме, че алкохолните напитки, които се предлагат в нашия електронен магазин са закупени от лицензирани магазини, дължимият акциз е заплатен, а бутилките са с бандерол.

We declare that the alcoholic beverages offered in our online store are purchased from licensed stores, the due excise duty is paid, and the bottles are with excise stamps.

Pay less if you buy the products in a packaged deal than if you bought them separately.

In cases, when the original flowers are not available in Flower Exchange, we reserve the right to replace them with the season flowers.